For all enquiries relating to Fiona Fox Consulting, please use the contact form or get in touch via the details below.
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Ensuring access to education equitable for each and every child is a passion that drives me in my practice. I have been working in teacher professional development in effective teaching pedagogies; leadership; New Zealand Curriculum; culturally responsive practices; and mathematics and statistics since 2008. I work alongside school leaders and teachers developing effective and culturally responsive pedagogies, collaborative practices and accelerative learning strategies.
I am an accredited facilitator and I deliver a wide range of in-depth and flexible mathematics professional learning. I have presented at a range of mathematics and statistics workshops, both in New Zealand and Australia. I have a wide knowledge and understanding of the best learning and teaching practices and am up-to-date with current research, including the following:
Jo Boaler
Carol Dweck
Glenda Anthony
Bobbie Hunter
James Nottingham
Dylan Wiliam
Lucy West
John Hattie
Russel Bishop